Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Grand Return of the Flame

Yes. I've gone on a sudden hiatus, I know, but for good reason. I was at home too much, and this blog, I decided, was wasting my time since I had nothing to say. I had yet to function within acceptable parameters of society. I figured, "Hey, I'll just come back when I'm someone again." I don't have a job yet, but I will begin school soon. I will not say where for the sake of anonymity (and perhaps mystery?) but it's a junior college. It's cheaper, and perhaps once I get a job I'll be able to pay it successfully. So worry not, my dear followers, that is if there are any left. I am back to take up your time with ramblings of daily life, and who knows, I might begin to expand my writing to broaden my writing and sense of "idea territory." I may just end up writing short stories once I feel that my creativity reaches a level that I am comfortable of sharing with the world.


  1. I have a secret short story blog. If you start posting yours, maybe I'll get teh confidence to share mine.

  2. Sounds interesting. Keep watching my blog, it may be sooner than you think. I'll be paying attention to yours as well.

  3. good for you bro. keep it up, ill keep an eye on your blog for new stories. check mine out too if you want :)

  4. I like short stories. I'll gladly read them.

  5. Best of luck on everything dude. I'll keep a watch for those short stories.

  6. i've reached a level i'm comfortable with 2 share that..I'm looking forward to see more :-)
